
Remove unused objects, materials
and others.

Addon for Blender


Customized "Purge", the addon for Blender that removes unused data and re-arrange data.
Blender already has a function "Purge" that removes unused data. Or you can use the commands in "File > Clean up". You can also just save-and-reload your file. They will remove ALL unused data.
This addon is a little bit customized to make "Purge" work separately and has additional features.


What’s included:

Clear Objects
Purge Selected Objects
Clear Materials
Clear Material Slots
Clear Images
Clear Textures
Unify Materials

– Remove unused objects, meshes, curves, lights, etc. And re-arrange numbered names.
– Remove selected objects with their data from blend file.
– Remove unused materials, node groups. And re-arrange numbered names.
– Remove unused material slots from selected objects or from all selectable objects.
– Remove unused images. And re-arrange numbered names.
– Remove unused textures. And re-arrange numbered names.
– Unify materials, node groups, textures, images from numbered into unnumbered.
–  "Clear Objects"  >  "Clear Material Slots"  >  "Clear Materials"    +Clear some other data.

How to use:

1   Download the addon file from the link at the end of this page.

2   Install the addon. See Blender.org official documents.

3   It appears inside the "Tool" panel in the sidebar of the "3D Viewport" and only in "Object mode"

Clear Objects:
[ objects, meshes, curves, lights, cameras, armatures, texts ]

- Remove unused data from blend file.
- Re-arrange numbered names.
- Data that use fake-user will be protected.

Clear Objects

Purge Selected Objects:
[ objects, meshes, curves, lights, cameras, armatures, texts ]

- Remove selected objects and their data from blend file.
- Remove their materials as well or not. (optional)
- Data that use fake-user will be protected.

Purge Selected Objects

Clear Materials / Images / Textures:
[ materials, node groups, textures, images ]

- Remove unused data from blend file.
- Re-arrange numbered names.
- Data that use fake-user will be protected.
- Displayed images will also be protected.

Clear Materials

Clear Material Slots:
[ material slots ]

- Remove unused material slots
- For selected objects or for all selectable objects. (optional)

Clear Material Slots

Unify Materials:
[ materials, node groups, textures, images ]

- All numbered data in use will be replaced with unnumbered ones. If there is no unnumbered data, the data with lowest number will be unnumbered.
- Remove numbered data.
- Data that use fake-user will be protected.

Unify Materials

[ objects, meshes, curves, lights, cameras, armatures, texts, materials, node groups, textures, images,   + collections, worlds, volumes, lightprobes, grease pencils, particles ]

- "Clear Objects" > "Clear Material Slots" > "Clear Materials".   + Clear some other data.
- With "Unify Materials" or not. (optional)
- Data that use fake-user will be protected.



Gumroad :     Link

*$0+   *GPL License.


Ver.1.1.0 :
"Clear Images" and "Clear Textures" were separated from "Clear Materials" and are now their own operators.